
Nathan's Journaling Podcasts
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JournalTalk Podcast Episode Library

Posted on December 31, 2016
Nathan Ohren is passionate about helping you tap into your most precious gifts, to enjoy life fully, while making the world better. He authored “The Journal-Writer’s Guide to Staying Started” and co-authored “The Soul of Success” with Jack Canfield. Nathan has a firm foundation in the world of business and leadership, as well as the realms of relationships, personal growth, and pursuing life’s purpose. After earning a business degree from Cal State Northridge, Nathan traveled the world as a Read more

Q&A: “What Questions Do You Have About Journaling?”

Posted on December 22, 2016
Every other week, I post a special episode of JournalTalk devoted to a specific question that I’ve received from fans, followers or friends about some aspect of journal-writing. I enjoy sharing my perspective, and giving examples from the 30+ years that I’ve been keeping a journal. But even more, I love the conversation with others. That’s why I usually invite a co-host with me to answer these questions together. The synergy and stimulation offer more valuable jewels and gems Read more

Journal Prompt: “What Do I Want?”

Posted on December 11, 2016
I spent some time today with a dear friend, Elaine Flanders, author of the blog website, “Life in the E-Lane!” who reminded me of the power of this simple self-query: “What do I want?” During our walk today, Elaine kept using the phrase “What do I want,” as a means to keep her awareness focused on expanding the experience of good things in her world. We chuckled, remembering the video clip about this subject on YouTube, from the movie, The Notebook. Your Read more

Vince Guaglione

Posted on December 7, 2016
Nathan Ohren is passionate about helping you tap into your most precious gifts, to enjoy life fully, while making the world better. He authored “The Journal-Writer’s Guide to Staying Started” and co-authored “The Soul of Success” with Jack Canfield. Nathan has a firm foundation in the world of business and leadership, as well as the realms of relationships, personal growth, and pursuing life’s purpose. After earning a business degree from Cal State Northridge, Nathan traveled the world as a Read more

Outwitting Writers Block – Roseann Bane

Posted on December 7, 2016
Nathan Ohren is passionate about helping you tap into your most precious gifts, to enjoy life fully, while making the world better. He authored “The Journal-Writer’s Guide to Staying Started” and co-authored “The Soul of Success” with Jack Canfield. Nathan has a firm foundation in the world of business and leadership, as well as the realms of relationships, personal growth, and pursuing life’s purpose. After earning a business degree from Cal State Northridge, Nathan traveled the world as a Read more

Dennis Palumbo

Posted on December 7, 2016
Nathan Ohren is passionate about helping you tap into your most precious gifts, to enjoy life fully, while making the world better. He authored “The Journal-Writer’s Guide to Staying Started” and co-authored “The Soul of Success” with Jack Canfield. Nathan has a firm foundation in the world of business and leadership, as well as the realms of relationships, personal growth, and pursuing life’s purpose. After earning a business degree from Cal State Northridge, Nathan traveled the world as a Read more

Amber Lea Starfire

Posted on December 7, 2016
Nathan Ohren is passionate about helping you tap into your most precious gifts, to enjoy life fully, while making the world better. He authored “The Journal-Writer’s Guide to Staying Started” and co-authored “The Soul of Success” with Jack Canfield. Nathan has a firm foundation in the world of business and leadership, as well as the realms of relationships, personal growth, and pursuing life’s purpose. After earning a business degree from Cal State Northridge, Nathan traveled the world as a Read more

Janet Wiszowaty

Posted on December 7, 2016
Nathan Ohren is passionate about helping you tap into your most precious gifts, to enjoy life fully, while making the world better. He authored “The Journal-Writer’s Guide to Staying Started” and co-authored “The Soul of Success” with Jack Canfield. Nathan has a firm foundation in the world of business and leadership, as well as the realms of relationships, personal growth, and pursuing life’s purpose. After earning a business degree from Cal State Northridge, Nathan traveled the world as a Read more

Louise Mathewson

Posted on December 7, 2016
Nathan Ohren is passionate about helping you tap into your most precious gifts, to enjoy life fully, while making the world better. He authored “The Journal-Writer’s Guide to Staying Started” and co-authored “The Soul of Success” with Jack Canfield. Nathan has a firm foundation in the world of business and leadership, as well as the realms of relationships, personal growth, and pursuing life’s purpose. After earning a business degree from Cal State Northridge, Nathan traveled the world as a Read more

Journaling with Joy(ce Chapman)!

Posted on July 26, 2016
You can hear my enthusiasm in the intro of this week’s episode, because it’s a profound pleasure to have Joyce Chapman finally appear on JournalTalk. Joyce’s history and wisdom in Journal-writing goes back further than anyone else I’ve met. And she summarizes all of it in single sentence: “Journal to know yourself.” She’s convinced that sticking with the practice will always lead you back to “who you want to be when you grow up.” A teacher, Read more

Journaling Like God

Posted on July 19, 2016
My guest this week asks us to consider that perhaps our journals are not really private. Maybe the pages we write are a collaboration with a universal spirit, a co-author in our life experience. Join me in an open-minded dialogue with Maryann Patalano, a religious science practitioner and author of the book, Journal Like God, as we explore the mindset and possibility that we aren’t just venting into our journal-writing, but we are actively and continuously creating. Maryann shares an Read more

Fantasy Journaling (Part 3 of 3)

Posted on July 13, 2016
Part three of our series in fantasy journaling features Anne Marvin‘s concept of finding truth in fantasy — finding out what you really want, by exploring the worlds of fantasy and make-believe. Anne has a background in federal nuclear weapons policy, but confesses she also enjoys “deep thoughts while reading vampire porn.” Her blog is loaded with tips that help us detach from the mundane day-to-day, and re-connect with stories that elicit passion and inspiration. Many Read more

Fantasy Journaling (Part 2 of 3)

Posted on July 6, 2016
Have I got a story for you. In the previous episode, I introduced the concept of “fantasy journaling” — writing in a private diary, about events that never actually took place, as if they had. In this episode, I’m joined by my friend, “Janet-from-another-Planet” as I share about the most interesting and extreme version of fantasy journaling I could find: A stay-at-home housewife and mom of four sons is writing letters to her high-school sweetheart, in order Read more

Fantasy Journaling (Part 1 of 3)

Posted on June 29, 2016
Sweeping through my boxes of old journal books, I happened upon a passage that I wrote in college — a detailed account of a semi-erotic interaction with someone on whom I had a secret crush. Wait a minute, I thought, as my neurons raced to retrieve my inner journal logs for comparison, I don’t remember this ever happening! After reading a few pages, and with a giant grin, I realized that I had written out a fantasy. And it made me stop to consider the value of such an exercise, Read more

Metaphors for Spiritual Growth

Posted on May 17, 2016
You don’t have to believe that Dorothy Gale was a real Kansas farmer’s niece, or acknowledge the existence of a magical Munchkinland in order to gain insights and inspiration for finding your own (yellow-brick) path home. Similarly, you can draw upon a number of powerful images and stories to deepen your spiritual journey, without committing to a belief in their scientific truth. My guest this week, Julianne Victoria, offers a variety of domains, rich with symbolic references, from Read more

How To Tell When Someone You Love is Gaslighting You

Posted on August 11, 2018
HOW TO TELL WHEN SOMEONE YOU LOVE IS GASLIGHTING YOU Gaslighting is explained in the following links. It is a manipulation “game” played by narcissists and is becoming very popular among young people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting; https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-earliest-signs-of-gaslighting; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYmtzaHwCKo. Gaslighting is extremely dangerous and can cause severe mental trauma. People who Read more

101 Freeway Closure

Posted on January 10, 2018
I had to buy a ferry ticket to get to school today. Unfortunately, the university cancelled all my classes, and I was stuck with a $32 ticket, trying to get a refund on the most chaotic day for the boating company. I read the fine print on my ticket and learned their refund policy: The company offering ferry service to/from Ventura and Santa Barbara today doesn’t issue refunds. At best, they will give a store credit, but only if you show up Read more

New Student Orientation

Posted on October 5, 2017
NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION (as facilitated by a group of therapists) I am proud to have been accepted into Antioch University’s Masters in Clinical Psychology program earlier this year, and was anxiously anticipating the new student orientation day for months. I graduated from a Business Administration program back in 1993, so I am both excited and nervous to be going back to school again. There were about forty new students altogether; about Read more

Here’s Proof

Posted on September 20, 2017
A blog post does not have to be long. Read more

Why do I write (and talk) so much?

Posted on July 5, 2017
Today’s journal prompt is from an email from Elaine: Why is it that some folks (such as myself and my son) talk so much? This visit, I am learning how I process through talking and writing. I think you do the same with writing and I love that about us. Yet, talking needs a listener and listening takes energy. So does talking. I am fascinated with my need to give a blow by blow description of my enlightenment lessons. What do you think?   Yes,Read more

“Passenger Makes Me an Offer”

Posted on June 21, 2016
Another exhausting cruise had just ended, and in a few minutes time, another would begin. On Saturday in Fort Lauderdale, we had just finished disembarking the two thousand well-fed passengers who had tested the durability of our phoney smiles for an entire week. The few minutes of a silent, empty ship is never enough to fully refresh us, but a moment’s peace is always welcomed. By noon another two thousand hungry pairs of eye will be looking upon Read more

How To Tell When Someone You Love is Gaslighting You

Posted on August 11, 2018
HOW TO TELL WHEN SOMEONE YOU LOVE IS GASLIGHTING YOU Gaslighting is explained in the following links. It is a manipulation “game” played by narcissists and is becoming very popular among young people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting; https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-earliest-signs-of-gaslighting; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYmtzaHwCKo. Gaslighting is extremely dangerous and can cause severe mental trauma. People who Read more

101 Freeway Closure

Posted on January 10, 2018
I had to buy a ferry ticket to get to school today. Unfortunately, the university cancelled all my classes, and I was stuck with a $32 ticket, trying to get a refund on the most chaotic day for the boating company. I read the fine print on my ticket and learned their refund policy: The company offering ferry service to/from Ventura and Santa Barbara today doesn’t issue refunds. At best, they will give a store credit, but only if you show up Read more

New Student Orientation

Posted on October 5, 2017
NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION (as facilitated by a group of therapists) I am proud to have been accepted into Antioch University’s Masters in Clinical Psychology program earlier this year, and was anxiously anticipating the new student orientation day for months. I graduated from a Business Administration program back in 1993, so I am both excited and nervous to be going back to school again. There were about forty new students altogether; about Read more

Here’s Proof

Posted on September 20, 2017
A blog post does not have to be long. Read more

Why do I write (and talk) so much?

Posted on July 5, 2017
Today’s journal prompt is from an email from Elaine: Why is it that some folks (such as myself and my son) talk so much? This visit, I am learning how I process through talking and writing. I think you do the same with writing and I love that about us. Yet, talking needs a listener and listening takes energy. So does talking. I am fascinated with my need to give a blow by blow description of my enlightenment lessons. What do you think?   Yes,Read more

“Passenger Makes Me an Offer”

Posted on June 21, 2016
Another exhausting cruise had just ended, and in a few minutes time, another would begin. On Saturday in Fort Lauderdale, we had just finished disembarking the two thousand well-fed passengers who had tested the durability of our phoney smiles for an entire week. The few minutes of a silent, empty ship is never enough to fully refresh us, but a moment’s peace is always welcomed. By noon another two thousand hungry pairs of eye will be looking upon Read more

Sample Guest Appearance

Posted on June 7, 2016
Integer et felis sit amet diam finibus molestie. Cras diam elit, gravida sed lorem vitae, gravida bibendum risus. Proin varius venenatis egestas. Morbi hendrerit, libero a venenatis consectetur, ligula lectus vulputate mauris, tincidunt laoreet augue nunc at arcu. Etiam odio tortor, tempus quis tortor quis, mollis luctus ex. Aliquam metus lacus, pharetra a gravida quis, ultrices ac augue. Aenean tincidunt feugiat scelerisque. Duis interdum urna et lacus vulputate tincidunt. Sed lorem ligula, Read more